Contract change to your Three service

Effective date 21 December 2020

European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) amendments:

The EECC, EU Directive 2018/1972 comes into effect on 21 December 2020. The EECC sets out revisions to the existing telecoms regulatory framework.

Please note the following contractual term amendments will become effective from 21 December 2020:

1.Switching process:

Effective from 21 December 2020, we will set out information about our role in the switching process that will be followed if you switch from us to another service provider. Your contract will also include details of the complaints process if you are unhappy about any aspect of our Three Services. This change will have no impact to our existing customers until the customer chooses to switch provider.

Three Ireland (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 7.4 of your terms and conditions visit here

Three Ireland Services (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 14.7 of your terms and conditions visit here

2.Contract modification - termination change

From 21 December 2020, if we need to amend your contract we will notify you of your to right exit your contract without penalty (where you exercise this right within one month from the date of our notification). The right to exit will apply, unless the contract change is (i) exclusively to the benefit to the customer, (ii) administrative and has no negative effect or (iii) imposed by Law.

Under the current terms and conditions, a customer can end their contract without paying a cancellation fee if we notify them that there is a change to their contract, and they have a right of exit. Under the new terms and conditions, we may seek payment for any outstanding retained subsidised terminal equipment, i.e. any device supplied by Three or its agents.

Three Ireland (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about sections 4.3(b) of your terms and conditions visit here

Three Ireland Services (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about sections 3.5 and 8.5 of your terms and conditions visit here

3.Data usage notifications

We already provide our customers with the facility to monitor and view usage on My3 and we also provide plan allowance usage text notifications. As set out in the term and conditions from 21 December 2020 we will notify you when you have reached the consumption limit allowed under your price plan.

Three Ireland (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 6.11 of your terms and conditions visit here

Three Ireland Services (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 7.6 of your terms and conditions visit here

4.Removal of prohibition on tethering

Effective from 21 December 2020, we will remove any term from our plans that does not allow tethering, the use of your handset as a modem or the use of your SIM in conjunction with a modem.

The affected plans are set out below:


3 Prepay 20

3 Prepay 30

Free text EVERYTHING to 50272 to get your plan information.

There is no change from the way that customers can use data with their plans. Any old term that did not allow tethering was not enforced.

5.Prepay credit refunds

From 21 December 2020, when a customer switches from Three to another operator, the customer can request a refund of their remaining prepay credit balance.

To process the refund request, an administration fee of €10.45 (inclusive of VAT) will be applied and deducted from the credit balance. The remaining credit balance minus the administrative fee will be the refund a customer is eligible for. Only prepay credit purchased after 21 December 2020 will be eligible for refund. Bonus or promotional credit will not be included. The request for a credit refund must be made within three months from the date of switching.

Three Ireland (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 6.23 of your terms and conditions visit here

Three Ireland Services (Hutchison) Limited customers

To find out more about section 6.7 of your terms and conditions visit here

Under Regulation 14 of the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Universal Service and Users’ Rights) Regulations an operator shall, not less than one month prior to the date of implementation of any proposed modification, notify its subscribers to that service of the proposed modification in the conditions of the contract for that service and their right to withdraw without penalty from such contract if they do not accept the modification.


Customers leaving Three will be able to apply for a credit refund from after the 21 of December by calling 1913. You must request a refund within three months from the date that you port out.
The EECC comes into effect on 21 December 2020.
You can find the EECC here
No. There is no right of exit your contract. The EECC is a regulatory change and Three is legally obliged to update your terms and conditions. All pricing will remain the same.
There are no changes to any of Three’s price plans as a result of the EECC other than the inclusion of the prepaid credit refund administrative charge which is €10.45 (VAT inclusive).